Play Sokoban Clone SOKOBLUE
online in your browser!

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Play Sokoblue!

    What makes SOKOBLUE unique:

  1. SOKOBLUE can be played instantly in the browser on most devices (computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.).
  2. Your playing area will be enlarged to maximum size, so the game is playable on both small and large devices.
  3. Choose a unique Sokoban puzzle from one of our level sets.
  4. Control your pusher in a very convenient way by selecting box (pyramid) you want to move. You will be shown all locations within reach. Now tap on the destination field to which you want to push the box. The rest happens automatically (as seen in older SOKOBLUE versions). Alternatively, use the cursor keys to control the pusher.
  5. When finishing a level: Your move and push records are saved separately. Your solution progress will be recorded. Use the SHOW mode to navigate through solutions. When you set a new move or push record, your old performance data is overwritten.
  6. Enjoy more than 500 exclusive Sokoban levels in the current version. If you want more levels, keep an eye out for updates from time to time!
  7. Compare your current solution records with our record tables! SOKOBLUE RECORDS

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